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The Iliad by Homer(?)
I read this at maybe 12-13, so I thought I would revisit it. And I have to say if you want a Greek epic, read the Odyssey instead. It has much more action and moves along better. This is tedious. Actually it's interesting for occasional tidbits about Bronze Age Greek life, but it's so long. Lots of detail about the lineage of characters who appear only to be killed by the main characters. I'd say read the first book, where Achilles gets mad and quits, the book where Patroclus dies, and the last couple of books. That's the main part of it. On the other hand, lots of detail about how people are killed, so read it all if you want that. The one I remembered from when I was young was where the guy gets stabbed by a spear in the nape of the neck, and it goes through to his mouth, where he dies "biting the bronze point" (or something like that).
the hands that guide me are invisible

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