
Full Version: Xingu (2011)(Brazilian) by Cao Hamburger
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Three brothers seeking adventure must conceal their higher education to join the Roncador-Xingu expedition into the Amazon in 1943.  Unlike the rest of the peons in the group, they object to shooting the indigenous tribes they encounter, viewing them as civilized and equal, and take the trouble to learn their languages and ways.

It's a sad story, because the brothers are so delighted with meeting these various tribes and establishing peaceful relations, and instrumental in getting them territorial protections, yet you know where it's headed.  The government and military conveniently discard these agreements to reap the riches of the Amazon and to establish bases, and the brothers must battle time and again to salvage some remnant of these indigenous peoples.

Along the way there are tensions among the brothers.  The youngest of them gets involved with an indigenous woman, which compromises the brothers' political clout, and they must finally ask him to leave their organization.  Then son of a gun if the oldest and most conscientious of the brothers finds himself falling for an indigenous woman himself, leading to a great deal of soul-searching and a very difficult decision.

In defense of those two brothers, I will say that these indigenous women were dressed rather provocatively.  Not to put the blame on them, but a strategically placed leaf or two could have done wonders in muting a whole lot of pent-up lust...

This is based on a true story, by the way.  The three Villas-Boas brothers did amazing work leading efforts to protect the indigenous peoples of the Amazon.  They were nominated for a Nobel Peace Prize in 1971 and again in 1976.

Which brings up the saddest thing of all, which arose as I read up on the brothers after watching the movie.  I discovered that the Horror Clown has been nominated for a Nobel Peace Prize each of the last three years (most recently earlier this month).  Among the reasons given (by the anonymous but illustrious nominator) is how he has stood up to Putin's evil ways.

Well, that took a bad turn.
If only the horror clown could find himself an indigenous woman.

A consenting indigenous woman.

Still trapped in Electric Black Mirror Universe of Dreams Dystopia.   120
Maybe you should put Altered Carbon into your queue. It gave the Queen nightmares the other night.
I must watch an Ep of AC eventually because an acquaintance is in it. But I’m already way behind in my vid queue, and just can’t on any more programming, not even a tiny wafer-thin mint.