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I'm under embargo until Friday, when I'll drop my 'official' review. I will look up Jerry Adams tomorrow too. Eager to hear Greg's opinion on this one because it's IRA and he's our token Irishman. 

I will say this - best Jackie film in years. Reminded me of a good 80s thriller.
What would make this movie perfect = bottle of fine Irish whiskey & every time someone in the film takes a sip, take a sip. 

For future reference.
For a few seconds you can hear the terrible rasp that is Pierce Brosnan doing the Northern Ireland accent and then it drifts away again. It's like some distant radio station coming in and out of tune. If you are playing the DM drinking game, take a drink every time Brosnan actually recreates the proper tones.

I don't know what this film wanted to be. At times it was the dour Jackie Chan revenge fantasy. At other points it was a Machiavellian tale of the machinations inside the IRA as it struggles for relevancy. Then there were the Shakespearean dynamics of a royal family in crisis. Toss in a little Rambo in the woods and you get the Foreigner.

It's a mess. JC got to play the whole range of emotions from sad to very sad. I'm starting to dislike intensely the squished up face he makes to signal he's been hurt. You know the one. Squinched up eyes. Puckered lips. 

The cool fights were few and far between. They needed more of them. There was a lot of spying and surprise appearances. The big surprise was not realizing the mistress was also playing the double agent. 

But it kept me occupied for a bit. But it will be forgotten like Brosnan's Northern Irish accent.